Re-FRESH Your Wellness at Fresh Fest!

Re-FRESH Your Wellness at Fresh Fest!

Join RevitalIV at Fresh Fest! RevitalIV’s Whitney F. Brown, ARNP will be with the RevitalIV Mobile Team at Fresh Fest, a health, fitness, and musical festival this Saturday! We will be offering discounted RECALIBRATE: Athletic Treatment IVs and $10 B12 Shots!!...
The Best Two Holiday Travel Tips for Your Immune System

The Best Two Holiday Travel Tips for Your Immune System

The Two Best Holiday Travel Tips for your Immune System Holiday travel season is upon us! It’s also upon our immune systems. The hustle and bustle is fun, exciting, and always exhausting, which takes a toll on our bodies in a not so celebratory type of way. Stress,...
Hurricane Hydration

Hurricane Hydration

Hurricane Irma is upon South Florida, so Dr. Rosselli and the entire RevitalIV team wants to give you some last minute hurricane hydration tips.  Whether you have decided to hunker down or evacuate, keeping your body hydrated is extremely important during a hurricane....
How Many IV Infusions for Maximum Benefit?

How Many IV Infusions for Maximum Benefit?

How Many IV Infusions Should I Have for Maximum Benefits? If there is one question we are asked at RevitalIV more than any other, it’s: how many IV infusions should I have to receive maximum benefits? The short answer is: one. Depending on what symptoms you have...
High Dose Vitamin C IV Treatments

High Dose Vitamin C IV Treatments

By now, most of us are informed about the benefits of Vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant used to boost your immune system, protect against colds, flus, and a wide range of symptoms and diseases. There are, however, even greater benefits of this vitamin when used...