Pre/Post-Operative IV Hydration Treatments

Pre/Post-Operative IV Hydration Treatments

Whether you are going in for an elective cosmetic procedure or an operation that is something much more serious, preparing your body for surgery is extremely important. In addition to following your surgeon’s instructions, proper nutrition leading up to your procedure...
Vitamin D Deficiency and the Flu

Vitamin D Deficiency and the Flu

Is a Vitamin D Deficiency Causing you to get the Flu? People suffering a mild to moderate deficiency in vitamin D may experience insomnia, fatigue, muscle aches and depression. Moreover, one of the most significant discoveries of is the link between a vitamin D...
IV Hydration for Stress

IV Hydration for Stress

IV Hydration for Stress None of us are strangers to stress. We’ve all experienced it in one way or another. Whether it is familial, financial, or work-related, or even environmental (commuting stress, polluted air, or even too much information), everyday stress is a...
Treating Fibromyalgia with IV Hydration

Treating Fibromyalgia with IV Hydration

Characterized by extreme pain, sensitivity to touch, and cognitive issues, fibromyalgia is a devastating condition that affects over 5 million individuals, primarily women, over age 18 in the United States. Unfortunately, fibromyalgia has no cure; symptoms can only be...
The Importance of a Doctor-Centered IV Hydration Center

The Importance of a Doctor-Centered IV Hydration Center

Have you ever wished for a magical medical cure-all? If you’ve ever woken up with a serous hangover, felt the pain of a migraine, suffered from a symptomatic medical condition, or simply wished for a dose of youthful energy, the answer is probably yes. IV...