IV Hydration for Stress
None of us are strangers to stress. We’ve all experienced it in one way or another. Whether it is familial, financial, or work-related, or even environmental (commuting stress, polluted air, or even too much information), everyday stress is a common complaint for many of us. But chronic stress can be more severe and can cause both physical and mental harm.
What many of us don’t know is that IV hydration for stress relief is a treatment option that many are using and many doctors are prescribing. But first let us dive into some science to discuss the chemical reactions behind this all too frustrating bodily reaction.
What is Stress?
Most simply, stress is your body’s way of responding to any sort of threat or demand. More scientifically, stress is your body’s way of responding to a state of threatened homeostasis (equilibrium) within the body. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous systems work together to respond to these outside stressors that threaten our body and our mind. This is of course a very wordy way to explain that a whole lot of our body is affected by stress.
Luckily, our bodies are equipped with an internal security system. During this “fight or flight” reaction a release of neurotransmitters occurs. Norepinephrine and epinephrine and glucocorticoids including, and most importantly for this discussion, cortisol are released to protect from these perceived outside threats or demands.
What is Cortisol?
Cortisol is a glucocorticoid steroid hormone that follows a normal circadian release in the body. This means that every 24 hours a certain amount of this hormone is released in our body to maintain homeostasis in the body. From regulating blood sugar and maintaining healthy immune function to helping with fertility and overall physical and mental stamina, cortisol is important to many different functions within the body.
If cortisol levels remain elevated, as there is during chronic stress, insulin resistance can develop and serotonin levels can decrease. When either of these instances occur, the body is more likely to gain weight, develop food cravings, and experience difficulty sleeping. But, this, unfortunately, isn’t everything that happens in the body when cortisol levels are high due to stress.
Health Complications Resulting from Chronic Stress:
Many studies have reported that chronic stress can contribute to metabolic imbalances that result in a host of health complications:
- Cardiovascular Disease (myocardial infarction, hypertension, and atherosclerosis)
- Visceral Obesity (excessive fat accumulation around the organs within the abdominal cavity)
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Osteoporosis
- Sleep Disorders
- Depression and Anxiety
- Thyroid and Sex hormone imbalances
- Insulin Resistance/Type II Diabetes
- Metabolic Syndrome
Chronically high cortisol levels induced by stress can make it possible to permanently alter the integrity of our body’s stress response. The resulting health complications and disease are no joking matter. Stress must be relieved and controlled for our bodies to maintain equilibrium.

IV Hydration for Stress
We all know that proper hydration is essential to, among other things, staying alive. The body is mostly made up of water, and the proper balance between it and minerals like electrolytes determines how our bodily systems function. Intravenous hydration can help relatively healthy people from mild to moderate dehydration when, for instance, they are coming down with a cold or flu, experiencing jet lag, suffering from athletic fatigues, etc. However, more customized IV treatments are being tailored to combat more specific symptoms and conditions.
By now, you are probably asking: how does IV Hydration fit into this equation? What does hydration have to do with stress? The answer is just as scientific as the reasons one might need a treatment like IV Hydration for stress. Specifically, IV treatments for stress are focused on decreasing cortisol levels brought on by chronic stress.
By supplementing a healthy diet and exercise regimen, IV hydration for stress management can help to reduce cortisol levels from the inside out. Treatments are usually grouped as a sequence of 4-5 treatments within a period of time between 1-2 months). By spacing out the treatments, your body receives a steady dose of essential vitamins, such as B, C, and important minerals like zinc and magnesium chloride.
Tips for Managing Stress with IV Hydration :
While IV hydration is considered one of the safest medical treatments out there, there are always risks involved when it comes to medical treatment. That it is why the number one caveat for an IV hydration for stress treatment is to find a physician-run IV hydration treatment center. Medical procedures like intravenous hydration and supplementation should only be administered under the supervision of a board-certified physician. It is also important to follow a healthy diet in conjunction with an IV treatment plan. While we sometimes need an intravenous boost of vitamins and minerals, these important elements and compounds are available in delicious foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. Healthy sleep habits are also essential to managing stress. And, we all now how soundly we sleep after a good workout. Eating healthy and working out will only increase your success with a proper IV hydration for stress treatment.